Voynich manuscript Wiki

I started the process of decoding the Voynich Manuscript in 2009.  While looking at the glyph’s for the first time I knew this was a ciphered language.  I was confounded by its complexity and rather irritated by it, but at the same time obsessed at the possibility of finding a key.  To be honest the garlic plant was my first choice to obtaining a key like many others; yet using words like shallot, onion, garlic, chive, alium all failed and I was frustrated.  Then three weeks ago around the 1st of February 2016, I decided to look at the garlic plant in a new way, (i.e folio 99r).  I believed the pictures were a reminder tool so I thought of the word sick and inputted nauseo in Latin which held close to the arrangement to both frequency analysis from the voynich and Latin!  Then I built the cipher in Latin without the side slashes and Gallows.

https://voynichlatin.wordpress.com/ (No longer available February 2017, December 2020)

https://www.createspace.com/6102940 (No longer available February 2017, December 2020)

Voynich Manuscript Latin Transalation Cover1
Gallows and slash

Voynich Manuscript Astrology
